This oil treatment will leave your hair conditioned, shiny and radiant. Jojoba oil is good for all types of hair especially hair that is dry or damaged, has split ends and is prone to breakage and tangling. Jojoba is moisturizing since its molecules are small enough to penetrate the hair cuticle. Jojoba oil is also the oil that is considered to be most like natural hair oil or sebum that’s produced by the sebaceous glands. Jojoba oil also works well on the scalp and keeps it from being dry.
This is a great oil to treat dandruff, dry scalp, and psoriasis on the scalp. It also promotes a healthy scalp with its antibacterial properties. Our hot oil treatment contains Lavender essential oil which stimulates hair growth, balances oil production and replenishes the hair and scalp. Rosemary essential oil helps stimulate hair follicles and promotes growth, helps retard premature thinning, soothes and conditions the scalp.
1.75 oz. by weight